Block Parties, Part 1, and Fruit Salsa

As a kid, you always have dreams. It takes acknowledging those dreams in front of others to make you realize that they might not be the wisest idea.

 My elementary and middle school years were filled with boy bands and girl bands. From New Kids on the Block, to Spice Girls, to Backstreet Boys, I’m pretty sure that my best friend and I bought nearly every CD the day it was released and wore them out listening on repeat.

That also meant that we felt we could create our own girl band. (And yes, I realize that two people forms just a duo, but we weren’t quibbling with the details here, folks.) We spent hours writing our own songs, designing our album cover art, and recording our music using a pair of drumsticks we found to keep the beat.

Naturally, we needed a place to first showcase our talent. Which happened to be the neighborhood block party.

We announced that year that we’d be hosting a talent show. We might have been the only people to sign up for the talent show, but that’s a different story. Decisions were made to submit two pieces- we’d demonstrate our dancing skills to a choreographed rendition of Backstreet Boy’s “Everybody [Backstreet’s Back]” and show off our chops singing a song we wrote ourselves.

Then, on the day of the block party, my friend wisely made the decision to drop out of the singing portion. I chose to go it alone.

I should probably take this moment to say that I am not the strongest dancer (future stories to follow). Nor is my singing voice the best when I’ve been running around screaming at a block party the entire day. And then there was the rather unfortunate fact that our song didn’t make the any sense, and would not sound good even if Adele sang it, much less two pre-teen girls going through puberty.

We danced. I nearly fell. I sang. My voice kept giving out.

The polite clapping I heard after the performance let me know that I should probably come up with another career choice.

Anyone Can Do It Fruit Salsa

Fruit Salsa

you don’t even need talent to make this

Ingredients (feel free to use whatever fruit you have on hand- this is just what I like in mine!)

  • 1 c blackberries, halved
  • 1 c red grapes, halved
  • 1 pomegranate, seeded (if you do this inside a bowl of cold water, you won’t end up looking like a scene from a crime show- just break it apart and the seeds will sink to the bottom)
  • 1 c strawberries, quartered
  • 1 kiwi, cubed
  • 1 plum, cubed
  • 1 mango, pitted and cubed
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • Cinnamon tortilla chips or pita chips


  1. Cut up the fruit so that everything is in similar sized. Divide into two bowls.
  2. Using a potato masher (or a fork), lightly squish half the fruit.
  3. Combine the fruit back together. Sprinkle on the lemon juice. Fold gently.
  4. Refrigerate at least 2 hours (though overnight is better).
  5. Serve with cinnamon tortilla chips, on top of pound cake, et cetera

50 thoughts on “Block Parties, Part 1, and Fruit Salsa

  1. That looks absolutely mouth watering 🙂

  2. When the wods first popped up lol you can only imagine what I thought. Being an F&B god I love stories such as this mmm food is good

  3. it sounds like you had a great time even if you think you can’t sing or dance! you did it and had fun

    1. Well I can sing and dance within limits…just not after screaming outside all day long! 🙂

      1. I used to sing a lot when I was in high school I even won ribbons at the state recitals for solo. but now……..nope just for enjoyment for my own ears. hehe

      2. I was pretty good at one point- did all the solos in church choir and even in musicals in high school. Now I pretty much only sing while driving.

  4. laughingpromises March 13, 2013 — 12:27 pm

    I have almost identical experience. My friend Ivy amd I spent hours writing songs. We called ourselves Skittlz amd never had one performance.

    1. We were called Sunset- what was it with one word “s” band names?

      1. laughingpromises March 23, 2013 — 5:49 am

        Haha well sunset is way cooler than “skittlz” Ugh. I was only in middle school at the time, though, so I guess I should give myself a break.

      2. I was in late elementary/early middle school at the time, too.

  5. Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat.Com™ and commented:
    This sounds deliciously YummY. Thank you domestic dive, M.D.

  6. Okay, so now we want to see a video posted here please 🙂

    1. Thank god there is no filmed evidence

      1. There is evidence of me somewhere at a hospital review night being called on stage to be the Native American from the Village People and do YMCA. Fortunately it was well before the smartphone era 🙂

      2. There’s DVD evidence of me in a giant vagina costume from a medical school musical.

      3. Well to complement that I had to wear a giant condom to hand out free condoms at what I think in the US are akin to county fairs 🙂

  7. I can’t seem to escape fruit salsa! lol, In our company we make a salsa ( and we have been getting a TON of requests lately for Fruit salsa! I worry though about how to keep it fresh etc. I think you have inspired me to start experimenting 🙂 This looks SO yummy!

    1. Unfortunately a strict fruit salsa doesn’t last that long…maybe a peach jalapeno one that you can preserve?

      1. That sounds yummy, might have to experiment with that! We have a couple other flavors we are working on so Fruit isn’t on my radar right now, but I need to start thinking about it for sure! even if its just a seasonal summer thing maybe?

  8. Love the story and the recipe. Pinning it for dessert at a dinner party sometime soon. Thanks!

    1. I’ll post the cinnamon tortilla chips also this week 🙂

  9. Not sure if I’m up for seeding pomegranates, but I may have to go for it. That photo is delicious!

    1. You don’t have to use the pomegranates- I just like the added crunch

  10. This is awesome! It reminds me of the time that myself and a few other neighborhood kids put on a “dance show” in my front yard for all the parents sitting on the sidewalk at the curb. We sang Madona’s Like A Virgin before we were even old enough to know what a virgin was! LMAO!! Good times!! 🙂

    1. We used to listen to the song “naked” on the Spice Girls album very quietly so our parents couldn’t hear it 😉

  11. The fruit salsa looks good and I can see this as a good pairing with yoghurt or ice cream too.

    1. I’ve done that many times with leftovers 🙂

  12. I had VERY similar pre-teen experiences! Love the fruit salsa idea! I’m going to “pin” this and try it out sometime.

    1. You can follow me on pinterest if that’s easier! 🙂

      1. Found the button! Thank you! 🙂 *following*

  13. Spice Girls! Thanks a lot, now I have ‘Wannabe’ running through my head! 😉 The salsa looks delicious!

  14. This would be delicious on buttermilk pancakes along with a dollop of fat-free Greek yogurt! 🙂

    1. I’ve also done it on brownies with ice cream when I’m in a dessert mood 😉

  15. Oh my, I’m having flashbacks of myself and all the neighborhood girls gathering everybody to one driveway to watch us perform to Boppin’ Away, which was on the tape that came with Barbie and the Rockers dolls.

    1. Nice to know I’m not the only one…

  16. this looks sooo good!!

  17. Oh god, that looks so good! I guess, I will be making this as soon as I have recovered from surgery. *salivates*

  18. Never been to a block party … but I been singing and dancing many time – love that fruit bowl for yours .. your part 2 just arrived.

    1. They seem to be very big in the midwest- even my street in Chicago had one last year.

      1. Chicago, don’t surprise me … I just love Chicago, I place I would love to move too. Nothing we do in Sweden .. it has started of a bit, but not much .. we are not that social – we Swedes are a bit funny. *smile

      2. I’m trying really hard to picture a Swedish block party and failing

      3. You’re so right … there is some *smile
        We are very close to ourselves. I will in a very mixed backyard and we have BBQ together every summer … and I love it.

  19. Love this idea! Great blog 🙂

  20. Intriguing, I may try that myself.

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