Flowers, Part 1, and Lobster

My father can get you to agree to anything.

It was my first Valentine’s Day in high school where I had a boyfriend. Now, Valentine’s Day was a bit different for my family- it’s both my dad’s and my brother’s birthday, so it’s normally the night we go out to eat for that. Plus my mother always gave us a treasure hunt (complete with our own treasure map) for us to find our chocolates that evening.

Thus, for my first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend, I spent it with my family. But my high school boyfriend did call me that evening.

High School Boyfriend: Hey, did you get anything dropped off today?

High School Me: Nope, why?

High School Boyfriend: Oh, I tried to send you flowers. I only got your carnations since they were the cheapest thing they had. 

My dad was overhearing this phone conversation, and asked for the phone.

The next day, there was a knock at the door. And a delivery guy, who was carrying a dozen roses and a box of chocolates.

High School Me: This certainly isn’t carnations.

Dad: I know. I called the flower shop and had them upgrade you for free. I told them how disappointed you were, and how your boyfriend was too chicken to call, so therefore I had to swoop in and make things right. Besides, it’s not like anyone is going to buy roses today. The flower shop is really getting a deal on this. 

My high school boyfriend didn’t even attempt to take any credit, based on proper fear of the girlfriend’s father.

Only the Best Lobster Tails

lobster tailsbecause daddy’s little girl deserves everything, especially lobster

Ingredients (per person)

  • Lobster tail (look for around 5-6 ounces), thawed (most grocery stores seem to put these on special for $5 each here in the midwest, I’ve seen- and they freeze quite well!)
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/8 tsp Old Bay seasoning
  • 1/2 c white wine
  • Water


  1. Cut down the back of the lobster tail approximately 3-4 inches using a good pair of scissors (this will help the tails not curl up as much and make them easier to eat).
  2. Place white wine into whatever pot works with a steamer you happen to own (mine fits on top of a medium sized pot, but feel free to use a steamer basket if that’s all you have).
  3. Add enough water to the pot so that it’s at approximately one inch (or whatever level you need so that, once you insert the steamer, that the lobster tails won’t be sitting in the liquid).
  4. Place in or on the steamer and bring the liquid to a boil.
  5. Place in lobster tails and replace lid. Steam for 8-10 minutes, being sure not to remove the lid during the first 8 minutes.
  6. In a microwaveable safe ramekin, place the butter and Old Bay. Microwave in 10-second increments until the butter is melted.
  7. When the lobsters are done, remove from the steamer.
  8. Serve tails along with the melted, seasoned butter.

46 thoughts on “Flowers, Part 1, and Lobster

    1. and now realized that sounds creepy. ….*sigh*

      1. Hahaha I was about to reply the same thing 😉

  1. Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat.Com™ and commented:
    Lobster tails and a father who get things done, for his little girl. Priceless!!!

      1. My pleasure.

  2. That is a great story 🙂

  3. My Dad’s birthday is also on the 14th of February and even though it was his birthday, he made sure he remembered everybody on Valentine’s Day. I guess Dad’s born on this day are a special kind of awesome. 😀 Great post and mouthwatering recipe!

    1. My grandfather was born on the day after- maybe it’s just people born that week? 🙂

  4. Aren’t Dads just the best? Lovely story!:)

  5. *smile ….. feel a bit sorry for the boyfriend here! Girlfriend’s dad taking over. Love the story.

  6. Great story! And a wonderful recipe 😉

  7. Awwwe! Dads are the best!! Your story reminded me of my junior year in high school when my boyfriend at the time bought me a carnation coursage for my junion ball. Really!? Carnations? I had ordered him a rose boutonniere, until I found out he ordered me carnations. At which point, I promptly changed my order. LOL!!

      1. Yep! What a guy! Not!!! LOL!

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    We would love that you participate with some recipe like this. Look amazing!


    1. Thanks! I’ll be sure to register 🙂

  9. really enjoyed your post today! sort of sad but very moving

  10. Yum. I love lobster, and anything cooked in white wine is divine! Must put lobster tails on next week’s shopping list. Thanks!

    1. You really get great flavor by using wine in the steaming liquid

  11. Your dad wins the prize 🙂 And thanks for such a simple recipe! I’ve been thinking about making lobster. (Well, okay, maybe just thinking about eating lobster…hahaha)

    1. It’s pretty easy to make- even my boyfriend could make it!

  12. Oh! That is brilliant! Well done, Dad! Mine just shakes his cane at the guys I date. Not very menacing. Haha.

    1. Well mine has also left a shotgun by the door…

  13. Hey MD! Thanks for signing on to follow little ‘ol me! I absolutely love your blog template… and the recipe for lobster tails!

    1. Haha thank you! And you’re welcome 🙂

  14. You can always count on your daddy 🙂 mine bought me a card and a single red rosé, my bf 3days later got me perfume on the way home from a work trip but no card 😦 I’d rather have just have a card . . . It’s always the thought that counts xx

    1. This is the first time my boyfriend beat my dad to doing something!

  15. Your dad is so lovely!

      1. I will catch up on your entries 🙂

  16. Luv your story. Would work with mine on “Panty Dropper Champagne” ;-))! Well..the recipe, not the H.S. dating.
    Thanks for following me

    1. I have a pink sangria that might go with your panty dropper champagne. 😉

      You’re welcome for the follow!

  17. Reblogged this on storiesbygary and commented:
    I love a good story, and the “DD” has a great one here. Enjoy

  18. Wow! You make steaming lobster tails look easy. I’m going to attempt this. I’m also reblogging at Thank you!

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